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Works in Progress

We're currently engaged in a comprehensive FY2 property refurbishment, transforming it from top to bottom to enhance its functionality and aesthetics. Exciting changes underway!

Our ongoing projects 

Total Building North West is currently immersed in a dynamic project involving a three-story building. Our multifaceted approach encompasses various phases, from landscaping and utility installations to structural enhancements and internal reconstruction.


Our team is actively engaged in crafting a comprehensive plan that seamlessly combines design and functionality. Collaborating closely with local building control authorities and experienced structural engineers, we ensure that our work not only meets but exceeds regulatory standards.


This project is a testament to our commitment to delivering excellence at every stage. From the early design and planning phases to the intricacies of structural work and interior reconstruction, Total Building North West is dedicated to achieving outstanding results. We take immense pride in our role in shaping this building and look forward to bringing this ambitious project to fruition while contributing positively to the community we serve.

Contact Total Building

Health & Saftey 





17 Victoria Rd E




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